The most important form of writing in academics whether for class or for standardized tests is the same skill of persuasion that is monumentally important in life. This 6 page laminated guide has the essentials of building a level of persuasion that cannot be beat. With the task of “selling a jar of trouble” the breakdown of skills to selling an idea, concept or viewpoint in essay form are just as useful for a speech, debate or a sales pitch. Boost scores for essays and on standardized tests for less money than the cost of lunch.
- Communication & Ethos
- Goals
- The Target Audience
- The Unintended Audience
- Engaging the Audience
- Authority & Audience
- Identifying with the Audience (Immersion)
- Venue Matters
- The Vexed Problem of Literacy
- Outline: How to Persuade People to Buy Trouble
- Sample Persuasive Essay & Breakdown