In 1993, I had just finished studying and passing my CPA exam, and had a two year old at home. Fast forward to summer of 2015, this now 24 year old tells me that he wants to go to graduate school and get his masters in accounting (undergraduate in engineering minor business) and he's going to need to brush up on the accounting concepts to take an accounting bridge test. I remember back to when I had this fantastic chart from the 1990's and I pulled it out and showed it to him. I told him about how I used this chart for many many years and it was always my go to reference. He asked if he could take that one. Of course I had to keep that one but ordered the 2015 version of the chart for him. Needless to say, he was successful on his test and hopefully in the next couple of years we'll have another CPA in the family. Thanks so much for being my go to reference guide. When ordering this guide I went ahead and ordered the Accounting II, Cost Accounting, Accounting equations & answers, Business Finance AND Learning to rubber stamp. Who knew that you had all of these reference guides. Love them all and can't wait to order more. Bettie