Debate is an immeasurable tool for developing a solid understanding of two opposing views that allows respectful presentation of facts, opinions, and implications valuing the positions on both sides. A proper debate can lead to a win for one side and can layout pathways for compromise. This six-page laminated guide covers the essential skills, tactics and types of debates and scoring that will support students for debate courses, clubs and competitions. Coach of award-winning debate teams plus author and editor for textbooks and magazines Rachel Berg Scherer combines her skills to provide the most concise reference to the facts you need for the structure that will produce a debate win.
6 page laminated guide includes:
- Background
- History
- Debating Societies
- Essentials
- Research
- Evidence
- Objectivity
- Relevance
- Basics of Argumentation
- 4 Pillars
- Debate Rolls & Definitions
- Policy Debate
- Policy Debate Structure
- Resolutions
- Burden of the Affirmation
- Judging
- Scoring & Winning
- Flowing
- Public Forum Debate
- Public Forum Debate Structure
- Resolutions
- Judging
- Scoring & Winning
- Lincoln - Douglas Debate
- LD Debate Structure
- Resolutions
- Judging
- Scoring & Winning
- Congressional Debate
- Congressional Debate Glossary
- A Bill to…
- A Resolution to…
- A Resolution to Amend the Constitution…
- Congressional Debate Timeline
- Speaking
- Judging
- Scoring & Winning
- Parliamentary Debate
- Parliamentary Debate Structure
- Impromptu Debate
- Format
- Judging
- Scoring & Winning
- Practice Topics