
CompTIA - Network+ Terminology Study Guide

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QuickStudy Laminated Reference Guide
8.5 x 11
George Antoniou, PhD
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  • CompTIA - Network+ Terminology Study Guide
  • CompTIA - Network+ Terminology Study Guide
  • CompTIA - Network+ Terminology Study Guide
  • CompTIA - Network+ Terminology Study Guide

Essential terminology including functions organized alphabetically by acronym for the most thorough yet compact and succinct study tool on the market. Six durably laminated pages easy to store and review anywhere with hundreds of definitions plus functions that are the key to unlocking the best score on the exam. Chosen specifically as a test-prep tool for CompTIA Network+ certification. Author George Antoniou, PhD, is a professor with 30 years of experience in information security, risk management, and quality assurance compliance as well as strategic planning and enterprise level security architecture, plus security operations and policy development in small-medium-large, national and multi-national complex information security technology infrastructures. Curating this dictionary of words with his experience and providing succinct definitions ensures this guide is a handy and powerful tool. We guarantee you will find answers faster than any book or website for a price that makes it easy to add this to your Network+ test prep toolbox. Based on studies regarding retention with screens verses tactile in-hand study tools, along with the growing sales of our computer titles, print is not dead – give it a try.

6 page laminated guide includes:

  • Hundreds of defined Network+ terms listed by acronym
    • Examples:
      • CARP (Common Address Redundancy Protocol): protocol that allows multiple hosts to share the same IP address, providing redundancy in case the pri­mary host fails
      • OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometer): tool used to test and measure the integrity of fiber-optic cables by sending a light pulse down the fiber and measuring the reflected signals, helping locate faults or breaks
  • Includes function and cross reference to other terminology regarding function
    • Examples:
      • CWDM (Coarse Wave Division Multiplexing): method of combining multiple signals on a single optical fiber by using different wavelengths of light; supports fewer channels than DWDM and is typi­cally used for shorter distances
      • RSA (Rivest, Shamir, Adelman): encryption algo­rithm that uses a public key and a private key for secure data transmission; widely used in SSL/ TLS and other encryption protocols for secure communication

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